The Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Multi - Donor Trust Fund is supporting the implementation of World Bank's Housing Reconstruction Project (the EHRP), which has expanded its support to all 32 districts including 18 moderately affected districts.
Identification of beneficiaries was carried-out through the Earthquake Household Damage and Characteristics (EHDC) Survey, coordinated by the Government of Nepal's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), with technical and logistical support from the United Nations Office of Partnerships (UNOPS), and financed by the MDTF, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), and the World Bank.
This comprehensive door-to-door assessment is a fundamental building block of the EHRP and the entire housing Program, as it generated the beneficiary/damage database which identified eligible beneficiaries. The information collected serves as the basis of the rural housing reconstruction program, and enables the effective monitoring of the recovery process.
Additional donors interested in contributing to rural housing grants and/or technical assistance are able to access the EHDC survey data to better understand the scope of the disaster and specificity of the damage across the most-affected districts.
Earthquake-Affected Districts in Nepal