May 9, 2017.
The NRA will provide two additional lakh to the landless quake survivors living on public land or in forest areas. The cabinet has approved the Authority’s proposal under Affected Private House Reconstruction Grant Distribution-First Amendment working procedure 2016, which has opened the door for landless quake survivors to buy land.
2 lakh Offered to Move from Public Land
Eligible survivors include those who: 1) are living on public land or in forest areas, 2) are on the beneficiaries list, and 3) do not have land anywhere in Nepal (they will be provided with NPRs. 200,000 to buy land). This grant is in addition to the NPRs 300,000 in housing assistance.
2 lakhs Offered to Move to Safer Areas
Similarly, the Cabinet decision includes the provision of an NPRs 200,000 in assistance for land purchase to quake survivors from vulnerable areas who are willing to move to another location. But the new location has to be in the same district or the adjoining one.
The Cabinet decision has paved the way for providing aid to 9,420 landless families and to 2,751 households in 112 vulnerable settlements in various districts.
Lump sum of 3 lakhs to Reconstructed Houses that Meet NRA Guidelines
According to the newly approved procedure, if a household on the beneficiary list has reconstructed a house on its own before signing the aid agreement, it will be eligible for a lump sum grant of NPRs 300,000, provided the house meets the NRA guidelines for earthquake resilience.
Proof of Separated households to be Separate beneficiaries
Similarly, earthquake-affected families with a record of separation before 25 April 2015 at the Land Revenue Office, will be counted as separate families for the purpose of aid distribution. Even those families which had been living separately but do not have records to prove it, will be counted as separate families, if the head of their village or municipal council provides proof of separation.
3 lakhs for Houses Damaged by Retrofitting
Similarly, the procedure has a provision for full housing assistance of NPRs300,000 for families that have signed a retrofitting grant agreement of NPRs100,000, but whose house collapsed or is deemed irreparable during retrofitting.
But legal action will be taken against those households that have signed a retrofitting grant agreement but haven’t retrofitted their house or haven’t constructed a quake-resistant house.
Beneficiaries Free to use their Own Designs
The procedure has also paved a way for the beneficiaries to construct a quake-resistant house in a design of their choice. It states that the NRA will provide beneficiaries with a guideline of minimum requirements for a quake-resistant house and that the beneficiaries can choose from one of the sample designs or another design of their choice.
Newly formed Municipality Permits the Building of Houses.
Moreover, new municipalities in the 31 quake-affected districts will keep a record of details such as length, width, height, site plan, right of way submitted to receive approval for house reconstruction and will approve reconstruction of houses.