June 5, 2017. Nepal's NRA secretary Sarbjit Prasad Mahato and UNDP's Country Director Renaud Meyer signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to continue strengthening the NRA's capacities for resilient reconstruction.
As per the MoU, UNDP committed to support USD 500,000 and to provide comprehensive and rapid institutional capacity strengthening to NRA, through a Human Resources Facility.
The main objective of the Human Resources facility is to assist the NRA in identifying and recruiting the required experts and other professionals, and mobilize them in critical positions at the central and district levels, thus, enabling the NRA reconstruction and recovery mandate.
The initiative, under the Capacity Strengthening of the NRA for Resilient Reconstruction Project aims to avoid duplication and overlaps in the reconstruction efforts, as well as effectively mainstreams the principles of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and the Build Back Better approach throughout the process.
Source: National Reconstruction Authority: http://nra.gov.np/news/details/245