July 30, 2015. After the two major earthquakes struck Nepal in April and May of 2015, numerous international partners came forward to help Nepal address its recovery and reconstruction in critical sectors. With the collaboration of the Government of Nepal and numerous international partners, the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) was carried out in June 2015, and identified the country’s total damages and losses at around US$7 billion. The PDNA singled out the damage to housing and human settlements as the largest individual need – US$3.27 billion – accounting for about half of the total losses suffered in the earthquake events of 2015. Damage and losses of houses in rural areas are estimated in excess of US$1.2 billion.
International Donors Conference
An international donors conference was held in Kathmandu on June 25, 2015, to organize support for Nepal based on the needs identified in the Post Disaster Needs Assessment. Many countries, international financial institutions, foundations and non-governmental organizations throughout the world stepped forward to partner with the Government of Nepal in addressing the needs of the country post-disaster. During the conference, approximately US$4.1 billion was pledged in support of Nepal’s recovery and reconstruction efforts as well as to help the country become more resilient in the future.
As of today, development partners including international aid agencies, international financial institutions, NGOs and foundations are providing the much needed resources and technical expertise to help rebuild Nepal – with greater resilience.
International Partners are involved on the ground
Numerous international partners, including bilateral partners, multilateral institutions, and NGOs are working hard to assist the Government of Nepal in carrying its reconstruction efforts. Some of these efforts include:
the UN-led “winterization” relief programs
the World Bank Group-led rural housing reconstruction program (including the Multi-Donor Trust Fund partners – USAID, Canada & Switzerland)
a parallel, JICA-led rural reconstruction housing program
the ADB-led school reconstruction program
the DFID support for the Government of Nepal with manpower and logistics assistance for Enrollment in the housing subsidy program (through a UNOPS contract) and
A DFID-supported project (aimed at increasing access to finance) which facilitated standard agreements with local banks for the housing program